2005 BMW 336i


New Member
I've checked some websites for upcoming 2005 BMW 330i or 336.
I read the article that 336i would be range between 330i and M4.
It also will be showed up late 2004 or early 2005.
If it's real production(now it's concept), it would be awesome machines.. 336i, 250+hp, SMG...
Sounds [thumb]
Lincoln, CA
so the next bump is going to be to a 3.6 liter engine? Weird. They usually keep it to .0 or .5, or at least name it that way for teh sake of marketing. If they change, it was to .8 and named the corresponding smaller engine 323 when it was still a 2.5 liter engine.
Milwaukee, WI
I would expect they would name a 3.6 liter car a 335, based on their preference for fives and zeros (and the occasional 3 or 8).

It would be interesting to know what kind of engine that 3.6 is, as BMW builds a 3.5 liter V8 in europe. That may jive well with the anticipated V8 M3/M4.


1000 Post Club
Las Vegas, NV
Don't like the pics!!!![mad] I don't like them one bit!!![xx(] It looks like the newer styling that that piece of $hit Bangle would come up with![?|] Does he have all of his taste in his @ss!!!¿[rofl] What is wrong with him!!!¿[mad] IMO
Winston Salem, NC
As a newbie to the BMW ownership scene (but a long-time admirer of BMW cars), I'm kinda confused about the whole Chris Bangle thing. Who is this guy? Where did BMW get him from? I take it from his name that this guy is American?? Only ONE guy is designing the new cars? Design of a car is rarely (if ever) performed by ONE person, especially for mass produced vehicles that need to "appeal" to a wide range of people. Why would BMW all of a sudden let ONE American design all their new cars? What do the Germans think about this guy?

Can you guys clear me up here?

I realize that the new designs don't really jive with the traditional BMW styling cues. I can see that. However styling legacy aside, I have to say that I definitely like the styling of the 7 series. I also like the back end of the Z4, but don't like the styling of the rest of the car. And from the pictures of this new 3 series, I have to say that I like it with the realization that the proportions of the car are kinda hard to delineate in those pictures.

Just my humble opinion.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
jrt67ss350 said:
As a newbie to the BMW ownership scene (but a long-time admirer of BMW cars), I'm kinda confused about the whole Chris Bangle thing. Who is this guy? Where did BMW get him from? I take it from his name that this guy is American?? Only ONE guy is designing the new cars? Design of a car is rarely (if ever) performed by ONE person, especially for mass produced vehicles that need to "appeal" to a wide range of people. Why would BMW all of a sudden let ONE American design all their new cars? What do the Germans think about this guy?

Can you guys clear me up here?

I realize that the new designs don't really jive with the traditional BMW styling cues. I can see that. However styling legacy aside, I have to say that I definitely like the styling of the 7 series. I also like the back end of the Z4, but don't like the styling of the rest of the car. And from the pictures of this new 3 series, I have to say that I like it with the realization that the proportions of the car are kinda hard to delineate in those pictures.

Just my humble opinion.
The whole Chris Bangle thing is a mystery to many. The whole BMW style has changed. In the one picture it almost looks like he has copied a Saturn![:(] The only way he is going to be stopped is if sale drop and I do think they will.
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